Tag: newborn

  • Why Breastfeeding is Great For You and Your Baby

    Why Breastfeeding is Great For You and Your Baby

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could provide your baby with the ideal meal every single time, perfectly customized to their needs? Well, that’s exactly what breast milk does! It’s like nature’s recipe for healthy growth and development, packed with all the good stuff—carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. And those special antibodies in breast… Read more

  • Baby Clothing: Tips for Dressing Your Newborn

    Baby Clothing: Tips for Dressing Your Newborn

    Ah, baby clothing… I’m not sure why, but this was one of my main concerns before having my first baby, Liam. How many clothes do I need to buy? Should I buy size NB or 0-3? Zippers? Snaps? Liam was born in winter, so that raised some more concerns about how to ensure he stayed… Read more

  • How to Deal with Second Night Syndrome?

    How to Deal with Second Night Syndrome?

    You’ve just came home from the hospital, and your newborn just don’t stop crying? Your baby, who was sleaping peacefully just moments ago, suddenly becomes a bundle of nerves? As if that’s not enough, they’re on a non-stop breastfeeding marathon. And let’s not forget the sleep deprivation that hits you like a ton of bricks.… Read more

  • Breastfeeding in The Golden Hour

    Breastfeeding in The Golden Hour

    Let’s talk about something super important: breastfeeding in the first hour after your baby is born, AKA the golden hour. Picture this: You’ve just given birth, and in the middle of all the chaos and excitement, there’s one thing you don’t want to forget: feeding your little one. Those first few hours are like a… Read more

  • My 5 Must Have Newborn Products

    My 5 Must Have Newborn Products

    As a mom to two wonderful children, Liam and Emily, I quickly learned that the must-have products that saved my sanity during those crucial first three months varied significantly between my two little ones. Here, I share my personal essentials that made all the difference in navigating the early days of parenthood without losing my… Read more

  • How To Make Your Newborn Fall Asleep

    How To Make Your Newborn Fall Asleep

    How to make your newborn fall asleep with a magic routine. Read more

  • Must Have Products You’ll Need for Postpartum Recovery

    Must Have Products You’ll Need for Postpartum Recovery

    The postpartum is a time of immense change and adjustment for new mothers. It’s like your body’s way of saying, “Hey, remember me? I just did something pretty amazing, so now I need a little TLC.” So having the right postpartum products on hand can make a world of difference in your comfort and well-being.… Read more

  • How to Survive the Postpartum Phase Easily

    How to Survive the Postpartum Phase Easily

    Bringing a newborn into the world is a mix of beautiful moments and total chaos. And what about that post-baby phase? The postpartum period can be challenging and overwhelming for new moms. But fear not! I’ve got your back with some tried-and-true tips to help you navigate this wild ride with a little more ease… Read more

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