Tag: mom tips

  • Breastfeeding Myths vs. Facts: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    Breastfeeding Myths vs. Facts: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    Breastfeeding is surrounded by a lot of myths, misconceptions, and outdated beliefs that can often leave new moms feeling confused and anxious. But fear not, because i’m armed with truth bombs to blast those myths into oblivion! Ready to start? Myth: Breastfeeding is easy and comes naturally to all mothers Fact: While breastfeeding is a… Read more

  • Why Breastfeeding is Great For You and Your Baby

    Why Breastfeeding is Great For You and Your Baby

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could provide your baby with the ideal meal every single time, perfectly customized to their needs? Well, that’s exactly what breast milk does! It’s like nature’s recipe for healthy growth and development, packed with all the good stuff—carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. And those special antibodies in breast… Read more

  • Why Glass Baby Bottles are Better Than Plastic

    Why Glass Baby Bottles are Better Than Plastic

    This post is all about something I didn’t know anything about before having kids, but once I found out about it, it made a big difference in my life! Want to know what I’m talking about? Well, it’s none other than glass baby bottles. I owe my cousin a big thank you for this find.… Read more

  • Baby Clothing: Tips for Dressing Your Newborn

    Baby Clothing: Tips for Dressing Your Newborn

    Ah, baby clothing… I’m not sure why, but this was one of my main concerns before having my first baby, Liam. How many clothes do I need to buy? Should I buy size NB or 0-3? Zippers? Snaps? Liam was born in winter, so that raised some more concerns about how to ensure he stayed… Read more

  • What Motherhood Taught Me About Myself

    What Motherhood Taught Me About Myself

    Hey moms! Today, I want to take a moment to write about something a little different. I’m sure you all know by now the basics of parenting – the diaper changes, the sleepless nights, the endless laundry. But let’s dive deeper, shall we? Because morherhood? It teaches us more about ourselves than we ever thought… Read more

  • How to Deal with Second Night Syndrome?

    How to Deal with Second Night Syndrome?

    You’ve just came home from the hospital, and your newborn just don’t stop crying? Your baby, who was sleaping peacefully just moments ago, suddenly becomes a bundle of nerves? As if that’s not enough, they’re on a non-stop breastfeeding marathon. And let’s not forget the sleep deprivation that hits you like a ton of bricks.… Read more

  • The Ultimate Guide to Succesfull Breastfeeding

    The Ultimate Guide to Succesfull Breastfeeding

    Welcome to my guide to succesfull Breatfeeding! Here, you will learn everything you need to know in order to nurture your baby with nature’s perfect food. Did you know that breast milk contains antibodies that can help your baby fight off viruses? Pretty amazing, right? Plus, breastfeeding also strengthens the bond between you and your… Read more

  • How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Skin

    How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Skin

    Spotting pimples or a rash on your baby’s skin can be alarming. You’re probably wondering why it happened and how to solve it. As a mother myself, I understand the importance of finding trusted baby skincare products. I’ve tried loads of stuff on my oldest, and these ones are my top picks for my little… Read more

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