Hey moms! Today, I want to take a moment to write about something a little different.
I’m sure you all know by now the basics of parenting – the diaper changes, the sleepless nights, the endless laundry.
But let’s dive deeper, shall we?
Because morherhood? It teaches us more about ourselves than we ever thought possible.
So, grab your coffee (or wine, no judgment here) and let’s get real about the life lessons I learned from raising my babies.
Patience is Not Just a Virtue, It’s a Superpower
Before kids, I thought I was patient.
Then came the tantrums, the messes, and the endless “whys.” You truly exhibit patience when you can calmly manage a toddler meltdown in the midst of a grocery store aisle.
Motherhood has shown me that patience is about staying calm in the chaos and finding humor in the madness.
Embracing Imperfection
Perfectionism? Remind me what that is.
I used to strive for perfection in everything I did.
But guess what? Kids have a funny way of laughing in the face of perfectionism.
From mismatched socks to macaroni art masterpieces, I learned to embrace the beautiful imprefection of life.
Finding Joy in the Little Things
Who knew that a toddler’s giggle or a baby’s first steps could bring such overwhelming joy?
Motherhood has opened my eyes to the magic in everyday moments. Like watching my kids sharing food with one another or cuddling up with them for (two or five) bedtime stories.

Strength Comes in Many Forms
I used to think strength was about physical power.
But motherhood? It’s a whole different kind of strength.
Remember childbirth? That time you pushed a little person out of your vagina? If that’s not the ultimate display of strength, I don’t know what is.
It’s the strength to keep going even when you’re bone-tired. It’s the strength to advocate for your child’s needs. And most importantly, it’s the strength to love fiercely, even when they are driving you MAD.
Letting Go of Control
As a Type-A person (you know, the one who color-codes the closet and have lists for EVERYTHING), letting go of control was a tough pill to swallow.
But motherhood has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. Whether it’s a missed nap or a last-minute diaper blowout, learning to roll with the punches has been a game-changer.
Self-Care Isn’t Selfish
It’s easy to put our own needs on the back burner when we’re busy taking care of everyone else.
But here’s the thing: self-care isn’t selfish – it’s essential.
Whether it’s a solo trip to the mall or a bubble bath after bedtime, carving out time for ourselves makes us better moms in the long run.
The Power of Saying “No”
Before kids, I was a chronic people-pleaser.
But I learned that it’s okay to say “no” – to playdates, to the third piece of cake (please mommyyyyyy), to anything that doesn’t align with our family’s priorities.
Setting boundaries isn’t just healthy; it’s necessary for our sanity.
Mom Guilt is Real, But It Doesn’t Define You
Ah, mom guilt – my constant companion.
When I’m at work, I can’t help but feel a pang of guilt knowing that I’m not with my kids. But if I take a sick day to stay with one of them, the guilt creeps in again because I’m neglecting my responsibilities at work. And that’s just one example out of many!
But the truth is that we’re all doing the best we can with the resources we have.
So, let go of the guilt, mama. You’re doing amazing, even on the days when it feels like you’re failing.
Need more tips for Moms?
The Power of Together
Accepting help from others. Now there’s a concept that was hard for me to grasp.
I was so used to being the one who do it all that asking for help felt like admitting defeat.
Nobody expects us to do it all alone. Whether it’s asking your partner to take over bedtime duty or letting your parent watch the kids for an hour so you can have some much-needed me-time.
Accepting help is not a sign of weakness – it’s a sign of strength.
Mastering the Juggling Act
Now, let’s talk about multitasking. The art of doing a million things at once while somehow managing to keep it all together (or at least pretending to).
As moms, we’re the masters of multitasking!
Whether it’s cooking dinner while helping with homework, or answering work emails while soothing a crying baby.
But keeping up this juggling act? It can wear you down.
So it’s important to find a balance between getting things done and giving ourselves the grace to take a break when we need it.
Embracing the Mess
No matter how clean I was and how much I loved my home to be pristine, the moment I became a mom, cleanliness took a backseat.
Let’s face it: keeping a clean house with kids running around is like trying to sweep leaves on a windy day. No matter how hard we try, there’s always something (or someone) making a mess.
But you know what? A little mess never hurt anyone. In fact, it’s often a sign of a happy, busy home.
So, instead of stressing about the crumbs on the floor or the toys scattered everywhere, try to find joy in the chaos of a lived-in home.
The Importance of Community
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and it’s true.
Whether it’s swapping parenting tips with fellow moms or venting about toddler tantrums in a Facebook group, having a supportive community makes all the difference.
So, know i’m also here for you! And you are welcome to vent away in the comments below 🙂

Love Knows No Bounds
The love for my babies if infinite, unconditional, and utterly transformative.
From the moment I held my babies in my arms, I knew that I would move mountains for them.
And that is the greatest lesson of all.
Well, here we go – the lessons that motherhood has shown me about myself. It’s messy, chaotic, and downright exhausting sometimes. But it’s also the most rewarding journey I’ve ever taken.
Drop a comment if you can relate.