How to Take Care of Your Baby’s Skin

Spotting pimples or a rash on your baby’s skin can be alarming. You’re probably wondering why it happened and how to solve it.

As a mother myself, I understand the importance of finding trusted baby skincare products.

I’ve tried loads of stuff on my oldest, and these ones are my top picks for my little one’s sensitive skin. So, when my second baby had the same issues, I already knew what to use.

In this guide, I’ll share my go-to products and how they can solve baby’s common skin issues and conditions.

Cradle Cap

Cradle cap, or infantile seborrheic dermatitis, is a common scalp condition.

Cradle cap is characterized by thick, yellowish scales. It often appears during a baby’s first year.

How to Solve Baby's Skin Issues
Photo credit: / russaquarius

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To treat cradle cap effectively, I recommend Baby Frida’s scalp mask and spray. If you overlook the silly name – oh crap cradle cap – it works like magic.

The Mask gently cleanses the scalp, and the spray helps hydrate and soothe it.

Start with the Scalp Mask during bath time to soften flakes and clean baby’s scalp. Rinse off and follow with Scalp Spray to hydrate and soothe the scalp. For added efficacy, consider using a cradle cap brush to massage the scalp gently.

Need more tips for Moms?

Baby Acne

Did you know that babies can also get acne? And it’s pretty normal!

It might surprise you, but it’s common for newborns to get little pimples about 2 or 3 weeks after they’re born. Sometimes even sooner.

These pimples can be red or white and often show up on the cheeks. But they can also appear on the forehead, chin, or back.

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Nobody knows exactly why babies get acne, but some experts think it’s because of hormones they get from their mom at the end of pregnancy.

When babies cry or fuss, their acne might look worse because crying makes their skin get more blood flow.

Baby acne is harmless and usually clears up on its own within weeks. It is important to keep your baby’s skin clean, moisturized and nourished.

I used Tubby Todd Baby Acne on my son when he had acne. And i’ve been using their products on my daughter since birth, and she’s never had acne. Coincidence? I think not!

Skin Irritations

Babies can experience various skin irritations, from teething-related redness to diaper rash.

For teething-related redness around the mouth and chin, Tubby Todd ointment provides soothing relief and moisture protection.

My tip is to try to prevent it as much as you can. You can do that by using fresh, clean bibs to catch drool. Also try limit pacifier use, which can cause saliva to collect on your baby’s skin.

Photo credit: Medical News Today

The best way to prevent diaper rash is to change diapers frequently. I suggest to give your baby some time without a diaper when possible.

Be gentle when dealing with a rash – don’t rub it, and avoid using wipes with alcohol or fragrance.

Using a diaper rash ointment with zinc oxide can help create a protective layer against wetness and soothe any irritation. I tried LOTS of diaper creams, and my absolute winner is Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.


Dry skin is usually because the outer layer of skin, called the barrier, isn’t working well. This barrier is made of skin cells stuck together with fat molecules called lipids. Ceramides are one type of lipid that helps make this barrier strong. They help stop water from escaping and keep the skin moist, while also keeping bad stuff out.

CeraVe Baby Lotion contains ceramides, which help maintain the skin’s moisture barrier. 

For more severe dryness, Eucerin Baby ointment provides intensive care to soothe and hydrate irritated skin and eczema.

Baby’s Skincare

Bathing your baby is not just about cleanliness but also about creating a positive experience while maintaining hygiene.

Contrary to popular belief, babies do not need to be bath daily. Frequent bathing can strip their delicate skin of natural oils, leading to dryness.

Instead, bath your baby every other day, focusing on areas that require cleaning with soap, such as the genitals and folds. 

To keep your baby’s skin moisturized and nourished, use bath oil into your bathing routine. You can either apply the oil directly to your baby’s skin or add it to the water.

After bathing, pat your baby’s skin dry gently to preserve moisture. Don’t forget to dry out all of baby’s folds so he won’t get a rash.

Remember, every baby is different, so try to monitor their skin’s reaction to products and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

I hope this guide sorted out the various skin issues your baby may have and the way to treat them. You can purchase the products through the links I provided, It will not cost you more, but I will receive a small commission.

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