newborn baby after birth in the hospital's crib

Baby Photos You Must Take Before Leaving the Hospital

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As a mom who’s been through the whirlwind of bringing a newborn into this world (twice), I know just how precious those first moments are.

From the tiny fingers to the sleepy yawns, every little detail is worth capturing.

So, before you leave the hospital, let’s make sure you’ve got all those must-have baby photos locked in!

Baby Photos You Must Take Before Leaving the Hospital

I’m Here

Grab that camera and capture the magic the instant your little one enters the world or snuggles up to Mom for the first time.

Baby after Childbirth

Baby’s First Portrait

Snap a pic of your newborn within the first day of their arrival! It’s a timeless souvenir that’ll bring back all the feels of that special moment when your heart swelled with love and joy.

Whether it’s a close-up of their adorable face or a full-body shot cuddled up in your arms, this photo will be treasured for years to come.

A swaddled newborn baby
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Family Portrait

Gather your loved ones for a family portrait that includes your newborn baby.

Whether it’s just you and your partner, siblings, or extended family members. Include the hospital room or nursery in the background to document the setting of this momentous occasion.

Baby’s First Meeting with Siblings

If you have older children, capture the heartwarming moment when they meet their new sibling for the first time. These shots of hugs, kisses, and curious expressions are priceless reminders of the bond forming between siblings.

Older sister meeting her newborn sibling for the first time

Baby’s Tiny Details

Zoom in on your baby’s tiny fingers, toes, ears, and nose to capture their adorable features up close. These close-up shots highlight the exquisite details that make your baby unique and are just super cute!

baby's tiny toes
Image by Myléne from Pixabay

Parent-Baby Bonding Moments

Document the tender moments shared between you and your newborn, from cuddles and kisses to skin-to-skin contact.

These intimate photos capture the profound bond between parent and child, showing off the endless love and care that kick-starts from the get-go

Related: My 5 Must Have Newborn Products I New Mom’s Guide

Baby’s Measurements

Don’t forget to snap a photo of your baby’s measurements, capturing those adorable milestones to cherish for years to come!

Measuring newborn

Baby’s First Outfit

Photograph your baby dressed in their first outfit or swaddle blanket, capturing their sweet innocence and the anticipation of bringing them home.

Whether it’s a cozy onesie, a hand-knitted sweater, or a special outfit gifted by loved ones, this photo marks the beginning of your baby’s journey in the outside world.

Hospital Room Details

Capture the small details of the hospital room where your baby was born, including the crib, bassinet, and any special keepsakes or mementos brought from home.

These photos serve as a backdrop to the memories made during your baby’s first days and provide context to the story of their arrival.

Milestone Moments

Document milestone moments such as your baby’s first bath, first diaper change, or first feeding.

You might not think much of these everyday moments now, but trust me, they’ll become treasured memories when you look back on those precious early days of being a parent and watching your little one grow and change.

baby's first bath in the sink

Candid Moments

Don’t forget to capture candid moments of joy, laughter, and wonder.

Whether it’s a yawn, a sleepy smile, or a curious gaze, these spontaneous moments reflect the beauty and magic of welcoming a new life into the world.

Farewell to the Hospital

As you prepare to leave the hospital and embark on the journey home with your newborn, take a moment to capture a final photo to commemorate this significant milestone.

Whether it’s a wave goodbye to the hospital staff or a snapshot of your baby nestled in their car seat, this photo marks the beginning of your family’s next chapter together.

Need more tips for Moms to be?

So, don’t forget to grab your camera or phone and capture these priceless memories before diving into the adventure of parenthood.

And once you’ve got those photos, why not creating a beautiful scrapbook to preserve and showcase them for years to come? Check out my Scrapbooking posts.

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