a smiling baby doing tummy time

Baby Development Milestone Checklist

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From Birth to 12 Months

As parents, it’s natural to eagerly anticipate each milestone in our baby’s development, from their first smile to those unforgettable first steps. To help guide you through this remarkable journey, here is a checklist of baby development milestones for each month, from birth to 12 months:

Baby development milestone checklist for free download

Birth to 1 Month:

  • Makes eye contact with caregivers.
  • Responds to sound and voices.
  • Begins to focus on objects up close.
  • Displays reflexes such as rooting and grasping.
  • Starts to show early signs of social smiling.

1 to 2 Months:

  • Begins to coo and make vowel sounds.
  • Tracks objects with eyes from side to side.
  • Starts to lift head briefly when lying on tummy.
  • Shows increased alertness and interest in surroundings.

2 to 3 Months:

  • Laughs and engages in social interaction.
  • Holds head up steadily while lying on tummy.
  • Begins to follow moving objects with eyes more smoothly.
  • Shows improved coordination and control of arm and leg movements.
  • Starts to push up on arms when lying on tummy.

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3 to 4 Months:

  • Begins to roll from tummy to back and vice versa.
  • Grasps and holds onto objects placed in hands.
  • Shows interest in reaching for and batting at toys.
  • Responds to name being called.
  • Demonstrates more intentional vocalizations and babbling.

4 to 6 Months:

  • Sits with support and may start to sit briefly without support.
  • Begins to explore objects with mouth and hands.
  • Shows increased curiosity and awareness of surroundings.
  • Responds to familiar faces and voices with excitement.
  • Begins to show interest in solid foods and may start introducing complementary feeding.

6 to 8 Months:

  • Sits unsupported for longer periods.
  • Begins to crawl or scoot on belly.
  • Responds to simple commands or requests, such as “wave bye-bye.”
  • Explores objects by banging, shaking, and dropping.
  • Begins to pull up to standing position with support.

8 to 10 Months:

  • Crawls efficiently and may start to pull to stand.
  • Begins to pick up small objects using thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp).
  • Babbles with varied intonation and may say simple words like “mama” or “dada.”
  • Shows interest in imitating gestures and actions.
  • Begins to develop stranger anxiety and may cling to caregivers.

10 to 12 Months:

  • Takes first independent steps or walks with support.
  • Begins to feed self finger foods.
  • Understands simple commands and gestures, such as “give me the toy.”
  • Starts to develop object permanence, understanding that objects exist even when out of sight.
  • Engages in simple pretend play, such as feeding a doll or stuffed animal.

Watching your baby achieve these milestones is an incredible experience that highlights their growth and development over the first year of life.

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so don’t be alarmed if your little one reaches certain milestones earlier or later than others. Celebrate each milestone as a testament to your baby’s unique journey and development.

To promote optimal baby development, make sure to avoid this 5 common mistakes, written by The Miami Mommy. And let me know in the comments below what you’re thinking.

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