Baby Development Milestone Checklist: When to Expect What

Watching your baby grow and hit new milestones is one of the most exciting parts of parenting. Every coo, smile, and tiny step represents a significant developmental achievement.

As parents, it’s natural to eagerly anticipate each milestone in our baby’s development, from their first smile to those unforgettable first steps.

To help you track your little one’s progress, here is a checklist of baby development milestones for each month, from birth to 12 months:

Baby development milestone checklist for free download

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Newborn (0-1 Month): Welcome to the World

In this first magical month, your baby is mostly all about reflexes.

You might see them turn their head if you touch their cheek – that’s the rooting reflex kicking in.

They’re starting to recognize your face and can focus on things that are about 8-12 inches away, so get up close and share some loving eye contact.

Crying is their go-to way to communicate, and they’re already drawn to your voice.

Snuggle them often and talk softly to build that beautiful bond. Feeding times, whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, are also perfect moments for snuggling.

These quiet moments help deepen your connection while keeping your baby calm and content. For more tips, check out my post about your baby’s first months of eating here.

1-3 Months: Discovering the World

Your little explorer is starting to lift their head during tummy time and move their arms and legs with more purpose.

A few minutes of tummy time each day helps build those tiny muscles.

They’re also beginning to track objects with their eyes – try shaking a colorful rattle to grab their attention!

This is the stage when you’ll see those first adorable social smiles, so keep smiling and chatting to keep the connection strong.

During this stage, you can also try my magical bedtime routine, explained here, to help your baby fall asleep more easily and peacefully.

4-6 Months: Interaction and Exploration

By now, your baby might be rolling over, sitting with a little support, and reaching for anything they can get their hands on.

Put some toys just out of reach to encourage them to stretch and grab.

Everything will go straight to their mouth (hello, teething!), so offer safe, textured toys for them to explore.

You’ll also start hearing giggles and babbling – a game of peek-a-boo is sure to get some laughs and strengthen your bond.

7-9 Months: On the Move

Get ready, because your baby is becoming a little adventurer!

They might be sitting up on their own, crawling, or even pulling themselves up to stand. A soft play area with cushions is perfect for letting them explore safely.

This is also the stage where they start understanding object permanence – hide their favorite toy under a blanket and watch them light up when they find it!

They’re also starting to show preferences for people (spoiler alert: you’re still their favorite), and they might get a little shy around strangers.

10-12 Months: Emerging Independence

Your baby is inching closer to toddlerhood and might even take their first wobbly steps. Push toys are great for giving them a little confidence boost.

They’re also learning to point at things and follow simple instructions like “come here” or “no.”

During playtime, keep it simple but interactive – they’ll love imitating your actions, waving “bye-bye,” or clapping along to a song.

And don’t be surprised if they start saying “mama” or “dada” with purpose – it’ll melt your heart every time.

Watching your baby achieve these milestones is an incredible experience that highlights their growth and development over the first year of life.

Remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so don’t be alarmed if your little one reaches certain milestones earlier or later than others.

Celebrate each milestone as a testament to your baby’s unique journey and development.

To promote optimal baby development, make sure to avoid this 5 common mistakes, written by The Miami Mommy.

And let me know in the comments below what you’re thinking.

Milestones are just one part of your baby’s journey. To make everyday parenting smoother, don’t miss our post with 60+ baby hacks and tips that every parent should know here.

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