Being a mom changes you. It makes you look at things differently.
When I became a mom, I learned a lot about what my own mother did for me.
One of the most profound lessons motherhood has taught me is about sacrifice. From the moment Liam came into the world, I understood the boundless love that a mother has for her child and the willingness to make sacrifices for their well-being.
I was the oldest child, like Liam, and now I understand how much my mother did for me. She always prioritized me, without hesitation. She gave up a lot for me and my siblings, and realizing that makes me appreciate how incredible she is even more.
Patience has also been a lesson I learned. As a new mom, I quickly realized the importance of patience in dealing with a crying newborn while I’m sleep deprived.
Looking back, I appreciate the endless patience my mother showed me, even during my most difficult moments, which served as a constant reminder of her love and dedication.
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I also learned to enjoy the little things in life. Like when Emily smiles at me in the early hours of the morning, or when Liam hugs me, covered with tomato sauce. Those moments are special.
My mother always found joy in the little things too. She kept many of our drawings and letters as treasures.
I learned not only from witnessing my mother’s behavior but also from acknowledging her shortcomings. Like neglecting herself. Her existence centered around my siblings and me, with her time and resources entirely devoted to our needs. Often at the expense of her own self-care.
As much as I cherish my kids, I realize that taking care of myself is crucial. For my own sake and theirs.
I’m grateful for my mother and everything she’s done for me. Her guidance have been invaluable, and her unique perspective helps me be a better mom to my own kids.
Becoming a mom helped me gain a deeper appreciation for my own mother and all that she has done for me. Her love, sacrifice, patience, and forgiveness have shaped me into the mother I am today, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Mother’s Day is coming soon, and it’s a great time to show your mother how much you love and appreciate her.
Check out my post about the best Mother’s Day’s Gifts.
Whatever you choose, make sure to tell your mother how much she means to you.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Becoming a mother certainly changes our perspective on so many things. Enjoy this time you have with your mom and your little one as it is so precious!